Fresh N’ Lean Meal Service

IMG_0011-1 copyWouldn’t it be nice if you could have fresh, healthy vegan meals delivered right to your front door? What if I told you that services like Fresh N’ Lean do just that? This company is dedicated to making vegan meals more accessible to everyone, whether they are Type 2 diabetics, athletes, hospital patients, people with allergies, or just anyone looking to improve their health. Their meals are full of nutritious ingredients, and they are not about restriction or promising unhealthy weight loss. Fresh N’ Lean prides themselves in providing real food made by real people, not something pumped out of a machine. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to try 5 days worth of meals thanks toFresh N’ Lean, to review for you all. Find out what I thought of this service and see if it will fit in with helping you live healthier with a plant-based diet.

IMG_0007-1Fresh N’ Lean has a menu that rotates, so you always get the opportunity to try a wide variety of meals. You have the option to order a meal plan, either 5 or 7 days, based on how many meals you would like. Fresh N’ Lean also offers à la carte dishes, as an alternative if you aren’t ready to commit to a meal plan just yet. This is a great way to try out the meals before subscribing to a delivery service, and you get to preview the dishes and get their nutritional facts/ingredients before placing your order. 

IMG_0033-1One of the first meals that I tried fromFresh N’ Lean was the Blueberry Cinnamon Oatmeal. This was filled with organic ingredients such as oats, maple syrup, walnuts, blueberries, raisins, almonds, dates, vanilla and cinnamon. This meal was extra filling, energizing and easy to digest. The best part? It tasted incredible (like something you would get at a restaurant), and there were no artificial ingredients or preservatives added. This means that you have to consume the foods by the “best by” date on the package, but that’s the whole point! These meals are so tasty and easy to prepare that there really is no good reason for why they would sit in your fridge and go bad.

IMG_0304-1 The next meal that I tried for dinner was the Fiesta Black Beans. These were made with black beans, cabbage, bell peppers and other veggies. Now, I have to say that the initial color wasn’t super appetizing because the black beans were mixed with the veggies. However, the aroma was wonderful, and so was the taste! The other people in my household were wondering what was cooking because it filled the kitchen with such a great smell. Fresh N’ Lean recommends adding your own spices to these dishes, although I thought they were plenty flavorful without them. I do like that they give that option because everyone’s tastes are different. These would’ve been great with some salsa, avocado or hot sauce too!

IMG_0089-1For breakfast the next day, I tried the Mixed Berry Chia Pudding. This one has organic chia seeds, maple syrup, blueberries, raspberries, almond milk and sea salt. The directions recommend heating this up, either by microwaving or other methods which is great for people who don’t have a microwave. However I think you could also eat this as a chilled pudding as either a breakfast or a dessert. It was great warmed up because the flavors of the berries infused the entire chia mixture, and it was just as filling as oatmeal. I want to start incorporating more chia puddings into my diet

IMG_0384-1The next meal I tried for dinner was the Smoky Kidney Beans with Dino Kale. Along with the Fiesta Black Beans, these had an incredible aroma. For a dish with such simple flavors, it was surprisingly tasty and really filling. As Fresh N’ Lean describes about their meals, they are not about being low-calorie or low-carb, but rather about being nutrient-rich. This one has a ton of protein and fiber while being low in fat and (more importantly) chemical/preservative free!

IMG_0346-1IMG_0357-1I really enjoyed the Hearty Granola, which actually packs 2 servings in one container. Normally I don’t go for granola because a lot of brand add extra unnecessary ingredients such as honey, oils or even extra flavorings. For this granola, you obviously don’t need to heat it up to prepare it. This is one of the few meals from Fresh N’ Lean that will have you add your own ingredients. They recommend non-dairy milk and some fruit to make it a full meal. For this serving, I used half the container of granola with some unsweetened flax milk and fresh berries. Talk about a quick breakfast!

IMG_0607-1We’ve been getting a lot of rain lately, despite it being spring/summer so these warm meals have been ultra-comforting (but still totally healthy). These Indian Spiced Lentils came in a surprisingly large serving size, in fact it was almost tricky to finish these off. However, this meal packs 20g of protein, 14g of fiber and only 5g of fat with very little sodium. That makes it healthy for not just our hearts, but for our entire bodies!

IMG_0726-1 The Italian Chard with Millet was definitely a new one for me. I’ve never actually had something with millet that I can remember. This reminded me a lot of rice or quinoa in terms of texture, and it really soaked up the flavors of the vegetables. Some of my favorite vegetables in here were eggplant, bell peppers, zucchini and kale. What I love about this type of meal is that it gets you trying new foods, without needing to buy them in the store or having to prepare them. With this service, you have healthy meals ready in seconds and you didn’t even have to drive to the store for them!

IMG_0759-1 Lastly, the French Lentil Tomato Penne. Normally I don’t think of having a meal with lentils AND pasta, but it ended up being super filling, protein-packed and chewy. The pasta is even gluten-free, though I honestly couldn’t tell from the taste. This meal was higher in calories than the others, but I really wasn’t paying attention to those because I knew these were super nutritious and good for me. In my opinion, it’s more about the quality of the ingredients than the quantity of calories. I noticed that this left me feeling full into the night, and I didn’t feel the need to snack at all after dinner. Because of this, I also slept soundly hours after having such a hearty but light meal. When we eat nourishing meals, we don’t have those strong urges to have unhealthy “midnight” snacks that often consist of junk food.

In summary, I have to say that I was really impressed with all the meals that Fresh N’ Lean provided to me to try out and review. This is a service I would highly recommend to anyone looking for super healthy and easy-to-prepare meals. So I know what you’re thinking now…where do I sign up or how can I learn more about Fresh ‘N Lean? First off, check out their weekly menu to find out what the special meals are. If you’re already wanting to order, just go to that page on their website and pick what meals you want. When you place an order for any meal plan on their site, you can get 15% off with the promo code: ANOTHER. You won’t want to miss out on this! Are you thinking of trying Fresh ‘N Lean out for yourself? What meals sound the most appealing to you and how would this service help you out?

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